New Music

Top Five CDs of the Year (So Far)

  • December 7, 2014
  • 4 min read

Top 5 CD’s of 2014

2014 was definitely a good year of music.  It is really difficult to make a choice, but here it is.

5.  Ben Frost – A U R O R A

Ben Frost

Ben Frost’s aural tour of his musical world is totally bereft if guitar, piano, strings, and other natural wooden sounds; instead, the CD depends on pure metal and skins, turning this supreme aural experiment from the earthly and heavenly to something more than just mechanical but more akin to the physics of the universe.  This is a very strange but wholly worthwhile spacey trip. Definitely one of the best CD’s ever.

4. Brett Gleason – Brett Gleason

Brett Gleason’s eponymous release is a marvel of musicianship and lyricism.  Sounding somewhat like Tori Amos, Gleason attacks his music and completely bares his soul.  With Gleason, there are no secrets.  This is beautiful, raw music from a musician/poet that is going to be huge.  Also, one of the nicest people ever.

3. Lana del Rey – Ultraviolence

What can be said about del Rey?  Again she pulls out one of the most amazing CD’s of the year.  del Rey has nihilism down without sounding like she’s being a fake.  Amazing chanteuse of our time, maybe the next Piaf.  Her ability to portray a woman of the world reminds one of the 50’s and 60’s glamour bad girl:  Kim Novak, Rita Hayworth, Donna Reed (From Here to Eternity).  What a ride.

2. Stargroves – Stargroves

Stargroves at Jammin Java

Listen to this near perfect work of pop magic from the souls of Stargroves, a pop quintet from New York City, and you’ll hear why this band is number 2.  They are a perfect pop band with the odd, Neutral Milk Hotel-type, sounds in the background.  Teddy Watson’s stint in Iceland is really noticeable, and choosing Abigail Breslin to sing on a few songs just complements Watson’s beautiful tenor.  Impressive.

And now for the drum role.  The number one CD of 2014:

1. Liars – “Mess”

Liars are an amazing band, unlike any band out there. As been said in the past, Liars produce music for your mind and your feet, while throwing in all types of dissonance.  This reviewer LOVES dissonance, and Liars surprises every time.  The lyrics are deep, their sound is unusual, and, well, it’s about time the world discovers Liars.  These are no liars; these are honest musicians having fun with their craft.  My feet and my head say thank you so many times.  Very best of 2014.  Come on, world!!!!  WAKE UP!!!!!!!!

Just want to say, best live show by far was the Kin and Finish Ticket.  If you get a chance to see these bands live, take it.  The energy is amazing.


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Phil King

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