HEAR: Sultry, Eclectic Pop | Alexa Dark – ‘Dark Vol 1’

We are thrilled to introduce you to the Spanish/American multi-instrumentalist singer songwriter Alexa Dark. Dark’s sultry vocals mixed with her eclectic bed of music is a unique listening experience that raised the hairs in our ears. Dark sings like a siren with such fervor and vigor. It’s easy to get lost in her music as it induces a trance-like feeling. Take a list below and learn more about this awesome new artist.
Feels like: soft, black silk
Sounds like: Florence and the Machine, Portishead
More Info About Alexa Dark:
Raised between Barcelona, Munich, London, and NYC, Dark finds herself drawing inspiration from her multicultural upbringing and eclectic music taste (from Françoise Hardy to Portishead, to Nancy Sinatra and Arctic Monkeys), as well as her love for film noir and French New Wave cinema. She began writing her own songs and poetry in her early teenage years, quickly taking this to the stage, where she began performing live in London both solo with her acoustic guitar and in different bands, honing her artistic direction and arriving at her unique sound and presence.