Best New Music

Message Of Hope: Epoch Failure – “Let The Fire Glow”

  • September 25, 2016
  • 2 min read


Epoch Failure

“Let The Fire Glow”

If there is any room for true heroes in rock n roll, Epoch Failure would qualify for the role.  Below is a small bio of the duo:

Camden, NJ is one of the most violent and poor cities in the US. Drug-ridden, mean streets will more often than not, shove a young man in the wrong direction. Strength of will and character led EPOCH FAILURE singer, Billy Joe Marrero (aka “Billy The Kidd”) to pursue not what was expedient (drugs and gangs) but what his heart most desired, a career in music. Another young man committed to a brighter future is rapper Nick Young (aka ‘Nickey Knoxx’). He was born in Brooklyn, raised in South Carolina, then bounced around the east coast, landing in Trenton, NJ. Nick has been grinding on the NJ Hip Hop scene since his early teens. Once of legal age, he enlisted in the Army as a way to get a college education and open up more options for his future. Nick attended West Virginia University and now, in addition to penning brilliant lyrics and rocking crowds, he serves full time in the New Jersey Army National Guard as a photographer and broadcast journalist.

Not only did they conquer the odds, they also make a great rap/hip-hop duo, singing the lines and rapping with the best of them.  Give them a listen.  These guys deserve all the success they get.  I love them.

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Phil King

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