New Music

Folk Art/Experimentation: El Tryptophan – “Syntax Static”

  • November 1, 2015
  • 1 min read

el tryptophan

El Tryptophan

“Syntax Static”

Guilt Vacation

There is nothing about this El Tryptophan to put you to sleep.  As The Deli Magazine says:

‘Syntax Static’ is a song about the relation between lust and communication based on an unusual two quarter drum pattern, that’s regularly interrupted by choruses in four quarters that are – alternatively – sonically exploding and imploding. Like a more extreme Beck, Rue incorporates, constantly recycles and disposes of various sounds, genres and ideas, without ever venturing into pop territory, though.” 
Gryphon Rue, the distinct voice and main personality of El Tryptophan, has toured with the greats, including Peter, Paul, and Mary, and therefore knows his chops.  For Rue, music experimentation is a family trait: his great-grandfather, Alexander Calder, was well known for his experiments with noise and percussion in mobiles which helped shape 20th century avant-garde music.  Rue, though, leans on his own talents and creates music that is alive and definitely his own.  I say thank god for El Tryptophan.  Keep on creating great music.

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Phil King

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