New Music

Rock ‘n’ Roll Salvation: Ninet – “Superstar”

  • March 23, 2016
  • 2 min read





Just when I was ready to give up on music for all times, Ninet comes along Israel kicking some major rock and roll ass.  Ninet is one of the biggest stars in Israel, but for some reason has trouble making inroads in America.  According to her bio:

For an artist who’s stood her ground and made her way on her own terms, it should be no surprise that Ninet finds live performances — visceral, dynamic, potentially messy — the most powerful way to connect. “The live performance is my favorite part because everything is happening in the present,” she says. “You can’t go back, you can’t delete or change anything. What you see is what you get and I think that nowadays, in the world we are living in, the live shows are the reality. I wish people could be more present in the moment.”

As her bio later says, we need more artist like Ninet.  Again, I love this new single.  It is so powerful.  I was expecting something more subdued, so I was super happy when she decided to rattle all our chains.  This is my new favorite song.  Just in time for spring.  Just listen to the guitars at the beginning, and the fact that her voice still comes up on top.  I’m so blown away.  I hear live she is killer.  Come to Pittsburgh.

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Phil King

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