New Music

HEAR: Motel Jesus – “Treasure In Heaven”

  • April 18, 2015
  • 1 min read

Motel Jesus

Motel Jesus

“Treasure In Heaven”

Just ‘Round 

Imagine the Ramones as born again Christians, with harmonies by Rose Ann Cash.  Can’t imagine it?  You have got to listen to Motel Jesus.  Tex and TL, from the outskirts of Chino, CA, are a punk/pop duo who climbed out of the sewers of New York (as Tex says, with their souls intact), and moved to Chino, where they started playing punk/pop Christian music with a Johnny and June Carter Cash/Ramones/Dead Boys feel recycled through the best of Christianity and the optimism of Michael W. Smith with a touch of the realism/pessimism of Social Distortion.  This great swirl works.  It’s great to hear Christian music based on Punk.  This is a band after my own heart, and two of the very nicest, sweetest people ever.  Come share at their table without the fear of being judged.

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Phil King

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