Honesty: SOAK – “Everybody Loves You”

“Everybody Loves You”
SOAK has done it again. This musician from Derry, Northern Ireland, has definitely overcome the so-called ‘sophomore’ curse by releasing another heart-breaking song about thwarted love. This time around, SOAK has expanded her production, but her heart remains in her music. Her description of herself is so perfect, and it matches her music.
Short Irish kid who appreciates Dragons & Dinosaurs. Has wonky bottom teeth & writes song. Kind of funny sometimes.
It is this type of honesty that makes SOAK different. She is similar to Lorde, but even more honest. I hope she tours soon. I was lucky to catch her show on KEXP Seattle, and she just seems to be this very sweet person who happens to be loaded with talent. Take a listen to this song, and if you don’t agree SOAK is one of the greatest talents ever, well, then you don’t know real music.