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Mean Pop: gobbinjr – “fake bitch”

  • June 17, 2018
  • 1 min read
Mean Pop:  gobbinjr – “fake bitch”


“fake bitch”

ocala wick

What a great song.  gobbinjr is a fresh face that says exactly what you want to say, but (to quote AC/DC) you ain’t got the guts.  gobbinjr is comprised of recording: Emma Witmer; current live band- Evan Pacheco, Hayley Livingston, Dan Francia, Emma Witmer.  Witmer is a world class lyricist with a sound reminiscent of early Regina Spektor.  I truly find her voice and her point of view very unique.  As the bio states:

Entirely written, performed, recorded, and produced by Witmer herself, ocala wick is her newest effort, and Topshelf debut. It sees her building upon her previous work and refining her pop sensibility while honing in on themes of “creepy dudes at shows, not wanting to be sexualized at work and not reciprocating inappropriate advances.”

This is a great singer/songwriter.  I love gobbinjr so much.  She is my new go-to when I feel down.

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Phil King

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