Best New Music

SEE: Aris Ziagos – “Fallen Blind”

  • May 24, 2015
  • 1 min read

aris ziagos

Aris Ziagos

“Fallen Blind”

Twilight Revival

You ever hear that song that is so incredibly sexy, yet incredibly sad at the same time?  Well, Aris Ziagos just accomplished that “Fallen Blind”.  And the video?  Well, just say it’s NSFW, but it’s not gratuitous on any level.  I love Ziagos.  He has a huge heart and is one of the sexy men of all time.  From Ziagos’ website he states:

Sometimes you have to lose yourself to find yourself. The song “Fallen Blind” is about how even the wrong love can bring you closer to the light. The video builds on this theme while exploring the counterbalance between lust and love, light and dark, and sexual identity. Bathed in hues of red and blue, the video unfolds like a fantasizing mind, flashing erotic imagery and emotion, juxtaposed with spiritual symbolism and self-reflection.

Brooklyn native Ziagos is one of the most exciting artist out there.  His new CD, Pulse, is ready for release September, 2015.  I cannot wait.  Ziagos is one of my favorite artists.

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Phil King

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