Hot New Album Fridays

iPhone Musings: Ian Mellencamp – ‘hEaDsOuNdS”

  • August 3, 2016
  • 2 min read
 ENTERTAINMENT A Model-Turned-Musician Who Records on the Run By TODD PLUMMERAUG. 3, 2016 Continue reading the main storyShare This Page Email Save Photo The model Ian Mellencamp, whose EP “Free AF” will be released Aug. 15. Credit Jesse Fox
Credit Jesse Fox

Ian Mellencamp


Free AF

Ian Mellencamp, model turned rock singer, is dropping his new EP, Free AF, this month, and if “hEaDsOuNd” is any indication, it is going to kick ass.  Mellencamp is much more than just a pretty face.  He is comfortable with rock, funk, and pop.  Mellencamp says he is continually using his iPhone to record thoughts and musical riffs when walking around.  According to Mellencamp, when talking about the beginning:

The transition from modeling to songwriting feels natural for Mellencamp: At six-foot-one, with shaggy hair and a languid frame, he simply looks like a rock star. And as the nephew of John Cougar Mellencamp, music was a part of his life long before modeling came along. “My parents had this piano, and I would play it. Not necessarily reading music, but I just enjoyed making the sounds,” he says. “Then I learned to play guitar in high school because my friend thought it would be cool to start a band.” After a few band breakups and graduating with a degree in environmental science from Miami University, Mellencamp began to write music on his own while living outside Cincinnati. “I wasn’t performing shows, but just writing music because I enjoy the process,” he says. “Writing music has always been like therapy for me.”

All I know, his musing and his music resonate wonderfully with me.  I think music is the perfect choice for Mellencamp.  Keep that iPhone charge up.

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Phil King

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