New Music

A Tribute To Joey: Deerheart – “Joey’s Girl”

  • September 9, 2016
  • 2 min read



“Joey’s Girl”

Fer Elise

I just had to quote Deerheart on why he wrote this song:

Once upon a long time ago, my wife, who was but a mere slip of a thing at 17, had a mad crush on Joey Ramone, and had written him copious amounts of poetry which, via a mutual friend, she was able to get to him. And then, one night, at a club on Long Island, Joey summoned her backstage and told her how much he dug her poems, and he posed for a picture with her, never knowing that while his back had been turned she’d swiped the pit of the peach that he had just eaten. And, yes, she still has it.

Tom Ciociari has written a great song that actually sounds like a lost Ramones’ ballad.  Ciociari has actually made the one of the greatest tributes to Joey Ramone ever.  To make Fer Elise, Ciociari has gathered song great people around including:  Members: Tony LoGuercio, Tom Licameli, Iain Morrison, Mark Pohl, and Jessica Upham.  Additional/guest members: Adam Greiss, Mitch Towse, Michele Sivori, Jon Geffner, Maura Kennedy, Pete Kennedy, Mary Lamont, Jim Marchese, K.P. Devlin, Michael Bifulco, Noah Hoffeld, Steven Prisco, Roy Edwards, Alyssa Ciorciari, Brett Pontecorvo, Jon Geffner.  “Joey’s Girl” is a perfect tribute to my hero.  Check out Deerheart immediately.

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Phil King

1 Comment

  • Wow! Thank you, Phil! Glad you dug it. This one’s definitely for those who loved Joey. Cheers! Tom

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