Controversy: Laibach – Das Natchlied I

“Das Nachtlied I”
Also Sprach Zarathustra
Only Laibach would write a whole album based on Nietzche’s Also Sprach Zarathustra. It makes sense though: no writer has been misinterpreted as much as Nietzche, and no band has been misunderstood as Laibach. Thirty-five years on from their genesis in the then-Yugoslavian industrial town of Trbovlje, Laibach are still the most internationally acclaimed band to have come out of the former Communist countries of Eastern and Central Europe. Founded in the death year of the country’s founding father Tito, and rising to fame as Yugoslavia steered towards self-destruction, Laibach can make you think, dance, and march to the same music. They are true geniuses. Whether they are Fascists, which I doubt, or Communist, which I also doubt, I know they are wonderful and controversial and all that music should be. Listen and make your own decisions. They certainly are not afraid of being themselves.