New Music

Name That Movie: Jacuzzi Boys – “Boys Like Blood”

  • October 2, 2016
  • 2 min read


Jacuzzi Boys

“Boys Like Blood”

Ping Pong

Jacuzzi Boys are releasing their fourth album, and it might be the most fun ever.  Jacuzzi Boys have always kicked ass, and their new album is no exception.  Jacuzzi Boys members are: Gabriel: gtr, vox; Diego: drums, vox; Danny: baseball.  I love them.  They refuse to take themselves too serious, yet their music is as tuff as Mustangs (from The Outsiders, guys).  Here is a little of their ‘official’ biography:

The year, 2007. The Boys, Jacuzzi. Hatched inside a vulture’s nest, Jacuzzi Boys emerged from deep within the Florida wilds, three radioactive chicks cawing for their piece of electric rock pie.

(Their description of the last album).  The end result? A smashing set of tunes as dazzling as a sparkler.  It’s like that movie you once saw. The one with the boy and the girl and the plastic lounger on the beach. “Be My Prism” was the invitation. “Black Gloves” and “Double Vision” the promise. “Dust” was the rising tide. “Rubble,” the dirty uncle. “Hotline” was the lightning storm, and “Ultraglide” was the ending, the part where he drove her home with the windows down.

You remember you liked it.

It stayed with you while you swam alone in your pool that night.ation. “Black Gloves” and “Double Vision” the promise. “Dust” was the rising tide. “Rubble,” the dirty uncle. “Hotline” was the lightning storm, and “Ultraglide” was the ending, the part where he drove her home with the windows down.

You remember you liked it.

It stayed with you while you swam alone in your pool that night.

You remember you liked it.

It stayed with you while you swam alone in your pool that night.

Their new album, Ping Pong, is like that too.  All I know, not sure what swamp vulture hatched these guys to wreck havoc on the world, but a sainthood is in order.  With the death of Lux Interior, rock was getting boring.  Well, the Jacuzzi Boys have changed that in a huge way.

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Phil King

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