Pure Truth: Wylder – “The Lake”

“The Lake”
Golden Age Thinking
Imagine Fleet Foxes meet The Shins, you will get Wylder. The beautiful harmonies soaring over the beautiful chamber music of the instruments are just unbelievable. Coming from Virginia, Wylder is comprised of Will McCarry, Lonnie Southall (guitar/mandolin), Mike Pingley (drums), and Jackson Wright (bass/piano). This song has this nostalgic sound of better times, but Wylder is mature enough to know that better times are actually right now.
Frontman Will McCarry explains, “‘The Lake’ is a song written in equal parts for my cousin Andrew who passed away suddenly three winters ago, and our family lake house known as The Harbor, where he’d always felt most at home. The Harbor was the place I knew him best, and where I will always picture him. Upon completion of the album, my grandfather – owner of The Harbor and patriarch of the family – passed away as well. On reflection, I feel the song is for both men, and our shared relationship to the place that brought us all together.”
This is tremendous music that makes you dream and realize you need to be happy with what you have. I love this sound. Such a perfect blend of harmonies and instrumentation.