New Music

The Moog – The Interview

  • July 24, 2014
  • 4 min read
AudioFuzz: How long have you guys known each other?  When and where did you meet?
Gergo Dorozsmai: Tonyo and I have known each other since high school, 14 years ago or so.  Apart from a short lived high school band, we didn’t start playing together until about 2003-2004 when we met Csabi, our bassist. Actually I met him that summer, wearing a Goa themed shirt and he was making remarks on it as if I was going to Goa raves or something, I don’t remember much and we weren’t entirely sober either, but it ended up in us talking about music,
A.  What were your main influences? 
G. Mine was just wanting to be in a band. I just got over my hard rock/prog rock phase which kind of determined my high school years and I started listening to the newer bands on mtv2 — Strokes, The Hives, White Stripes, etc. I listened to Nirvana and Blur a lot too. And also whatever obscure music they played at this Budapest DJ night on Fridays, which was put together by Csabi’s friends called Gumipop.  It was almost like a scene, you could always count on Fridays, meeting cool people, listening to awesome music.
A.  How did growing up and playing in Hungary influence you?
I hated music school, though I was an OK piano player.  I guess I was also lazy, but nobody really encouraged me in school so that I could be better. And also I couldn’t sing. And if you cannot sing, they won’t even try bothering with you, so you’ll miss out on a lot. This city is very provincial minded.  I don’t like it – but it’s not particularly bad either, or I would just move away instantly.  I don’t necessarily connect to “Hungarian music” although I do like some bands from here.
A.  Do you like performing live, making videos, or studio work best?
G.  Performing live is the best.  Studio work, if I am producing, I love it.  Otherwise, it’s the most boring thing I could imagine. Oh no, the most boring thing in the world is shooting music videos.  Awful!  And to chase boredom away, you get drunk which makes it even more awful.
A.  What process do you use to write your songs?  Where do your ideas come from? 
G.  Most of the songs are written by our singer Tonyo.  He writes the main parts, then we work on them together in the rehearsal room. I also write some of our songs and my method is to record a lot of stuff onto my computer, usually I start with acoustic guitar or some drum part, then dress them up with electric, synth and everything that comes to mind.  If I still like it after a couple of a days, I start working up a melody and lyrics too. Or sometimes I got the melody with the guitar part right away. One of the new songs I wrote “Northern Lights” (also upcoming single/video) is such a tune.  “Highway” from our 2012 album was another done in that way.
A.  If you were dogs, what type would you be?
G.  I’d much rather be a dinosaur. Any kind of dinosaur.
A.  Who else do you think is really good out there?
G.  Our Budapest fellows
Do check them out.
A.  Any other facts/theories/anything you want to fans to know.
G.  Yes, check out my new punk side project I started with Csabi,  We call ourselves Gustave Tiger. He and I sing in this band.
We can’t wait to tour with the new Moog material once it comes out. Hope to see you all soon.
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Phil King

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