Best New Music

Political Rock and Roll: Rebel Rampage – “Immigration Man”

  • October 7, 2018
  • 2 min read
Political Rock and Roll:  Rebel Rampage – “Immigration Man”

Rebel Rampage

“Immigration Man”

Divided We Fall

Wow, this album drops at the time when we really need to be reminded that, divided we fall, and it seems America’s politics is doing its best to divide.  One of the many great elements of Rebel Rampage is how they deliver their message, even preaching their message, while kicking major ass.  This is one great hard rock band.  “Immigration Man”, written by Graham Nash, gets the great hard rock treatment while still maintaining the anger and the melodic beauty of the original song.  As their bio states:

Rebel Rampage was born on January 21st, 2017 in Los Angeles, the day after the presidential inauguration and the day of the Women’s March, the largest protest in American history. With fury and immediacy, Graham Czach (vocals, bass) wrote the flagship song “Resistance March” in defiance of the new rogue administration, whose constant output of disingenuous rhetoric fuels the content for what now is an entire album full of messages for the masses. Graham felt that resistance was absolutely necessary, and he made it his duty to fight this oppression with powerful music and inspirational words to transcend politics and inspire action.


With Dylan McGee Jones on guitar and Punky Balfour on drums, this powerhouse trio delivers heavy and unrelenting riffs anchored by bombastic ‘machine gun’ drumming. Graham delivers the message through lyrical originality and prowess, with high soaring melodic vocals reminiscent of the great sing-screamers Chris Cornell (Soundgarden) and Layne Staley (Alice In Chains). The ever-expanding list of topical issues addressed range from immigration and women rights to free press and the failings of the U.S. health care system. RR feels that rock music recalling the likes of Led Zeppelin, Soundgarden, and Rage Against The Machine in a current sound and format provides the best framework for this kind of content.

After the debacle of the past week, we need a band like Rebel Rampage to remind us what we need to do.  Thank you, guys.

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Phil King

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