Super Honesty: Briston Maroney – “Under My Skin”

Briston Maroney
“Under My Skin”
Briston Maroney is one of those super-honest singer/songwriters that have taken notes from the Neil Young songbook but have gone way beyond that to create beautiful music. Living in Nashville, he drenches his music with rich Florida humidity and the hippieness of Laurel Canyon, all drawn together to make exceptionally intimate music. In the background of “Under My Skin”, there are interesting noises and beats driving the song, while the ending is very casual and says, hey guys, this is for you. And here’s a great quote from Maroney:
“I love this one. It was amazing to get this one done with Tone Def because of what we’d done with the other songs prior. It’s direct and propulsive and immediate which feels like a great start to the project. It’s also my dad’s favorite of the bunch, so that helps, too.”