Best New Music

The Desert Did It: ExSage – “Tripwire”

  • October 16, 2016
  • 1 min read




Out Of The Blue

If X had left LA for the desert, this is the type of music they’d make.  Except Kate Clover’s vocals can kick anyone’s ass with its smokiness and harmonic beauty.  Tim Foley and Kate Clover may call LA home, but the desert is where their heart is and where the bodies are buried.  I love ExSage.  They have these heavy guitar riffs, beats that won’t end (listen to that bass, guys), and the double singing one octave apart brings a creepiness in a Nick Cave/Polly Harvey way.  Can you image them doing “Henry Lee”?  Their 5-song EP is dropping on the 18th.  Watch for it, pick it up, play it, go on a road trip.

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Phil King

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