The True Meaning: Abject Joy – “Home”

Abject Joy
Wow, this is the best song about Home since “Our House” by C,S, & N. That is a super complement. When I here this song, I just feel like I’m home again (where ever that may be). Abject Joy is a very private band about which not much information is available, just adding the special something to their music, which is very very good. I am impressed. The only bio I found was:
Abject Joy, a band of seasoned professionals, make it perfectly clear what they’re driving throughout the song and why they’re driving it. (Home) winds the path of Weezer and Ben Folds, which is the perfect path to be on for this single, full of word-play, stabbing piano lines and Paul and Linda backing vocals.
This sums up the band so well. Listen to these guys. They are that great.