New Music

Intellectual Romanticism: Austin Ward – “Bubblegum”

  • April 15, 2018
  • 2 min read
Intellectual Romanticism:  Austin Ward – “Bubblegum”

Austin Ward



Austin Ward is amazing.  He has this tremendous voice, and, when you listen to the lyrics, you get to know him intimately, which is important for a great artist.  He is releasing an EP, Phermone.  These are the songs that have been marinating in his bedroom, the songs that have chronicled the love and loss in his life, the songs that achieve the vision of his Id and ego, the songs that give you everything he has.  Raised between the sun-kissed jungle gym of Los Angeles and the backwood charm of Meridian, MS, Ward draws upon his eclectic upbringing to inform his sound.  As his bio says:

“Bubblegum” is the first single from Austin Ward’s debut project Pheromone. The seven track EP takes listeners through a tale of first love and the lessons of heartbreak on the other side. Ward’s sound is an
amalgamation of styles and influences that span across time – he invites listeners to journey with him as he almost theatrically confronts a three-part cast of characters: love, sex, and power. With lush
instrumentation and poetic, but pointed, lyricism, Ward has developed a sound that’s in line with the best of Grizzly Bear and Beach House. Pheromone is the music that Ward has always wanted to create.
These are the songs that have been marinating in his bedroom, the songs that have chronicled the love and loss in his life, the songs that give you everything he has.

This is great music for thinking romantics.

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Phil King

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