New Music

Electronic Punk: Pushing Static – “Even Fireworks”

  • November 13, 2015
  • 1 min read

pushing static1

Pushing Static

“Even Fireworks”

Fireworks Dim In The Light Of Love

This is some great electronic/punk music.  Pushing Static is the moniker of multi-instrumentalist Asher Condit, who initiated the music project after departing from several pop bands in south-central Pennsylvania, is a one-man, indie-pop project based in Hartford, CT. Some might call Pushing Static electronic pop, but I feel there is more of a kick to this music rather than your typical pop.  Pushing Static kicks major butt.  He’s loud, melodic, complex, everything that I want in my music.  I love this sound. And of course he’s from PA.  No surprise.  Listen to this man.  LISTEN!!!!!

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Phil King

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