New Music

HEAR: Emmy Wildwood – “Scream”

  • June 21, 2015
  • 1 min read

emmy wildwood


Emmy Wildwood


Soundtrack to Scream Queens

If you were looking for the theme music for a show called Scream Queens, this would definitely be the music.  Beautifully creepy and mysterious, Wildwood’s voice sounds like that which you would hear playing out of the old haunted house on the hill, or making the song that sirens would sing to lure you to your doom, to which you most willing go.  Wildwood’s voice is a whisper, that dark voice in the back of your head, probably more frightening than anything Death Metal could throw at you.  If Tannith Lee wrote music, this is what she produced. With lyrics like

Restless sleep
You cut so deep
A garnet red
Drip from my lip

Shallow scars
Have healed so far
But every dream
I wake up and I


Haunting is the word for her voice, her song.  I need more.  Though will someone hold me tonight?


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Phil King

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