Powerviolence At Its Best: Stevo Zigon – “I Don’t Owe You Shit”

Stevo Zigon
“I Don’t Owe You Shit”
Split by Deathtaker/Stevo Zigon
This is a tremendous split. You’ve got Stevo Zigon from Serbia, the king of powerviolence soul split with Deathtaker, deadly punk from Boston. That’s all you need to know. What I’m impressed with is the amount of musical noise that Filip produces from just his own recordings. This is music that definitely comes from his soul, and what a sad, deep, dark mess that is. Stevo Zigon is definitely not for the weak of heart; it’s for those who believe music needs to be passionate and real, even if it fucking hurts.
Splitting with Deathtaker makes sense. The Boston duo produces great powerviolence with a more melodic approach. The two complement themselves very well. Most definitely this is a split for all.
Deathtaker is: Shaun Curran & Jerry Macdonald while Stevo Zigon is:
Guitar, Drums and Vocals by Filip. Listen to some of the best screamo on the planet. You won’t be sorry; your ears will bleed, your bowels will turn to jelly, but your soul will be pleased.
1 Comment
Hey there,
Just wanted to say thanks for the positive review!!
Also, a small correction.
Deathtaker is a 3 piece; Shaun and Jerry are the studio engineers who recorded us.
I think the way the layout makes it look is probably a bit confusing.
But, again, thanks for the review.