Underground Literally: Catacomb Saints – “Shanghai Grill”

Catacomb Saints
“Shanghai Grill”
Cruel As The Grave
What a beautifully, dark song (how could it not, considering the name of the band?) Coming from Canada, Catacomb Saints is comprised of Neil Holyoak and Devon Beggs, and their dark sound does give that underground (literally) feeling. In fact, their first song was recorded in a cave. As their bio says:
The song is a lament; a contemplation of loss and memories of the past – and what the future could have been like.
Floating on hushed and drawn out vocals full of regret and the light buzz of subdued and extended synth notes, the song gently opens up over time, with poignant lyrics, the glow of a mellifluous guitar line, and the soft shimmer of ticking cymbals.
Holyoak shines as a songwriter supreme, using beautifully dense lyrical stalagmites of words to bring his sorrow for memories past and present alive, while Beggs has that gift the Brian Eno has to bring electronics, especially synthesizers, giving them an earthly sound. Catacomb Saints are releasing a full album, and giving the taste they provided, I can hardly wait.