Watch Out: Doll Skin – “Daughter”

Doll Skin
What an asskicking song. This band, from Phoenix, rocks harder than 99% of the bands out. These guys pull no punches. I love them. Imagine the Runaways and Motorhead playing together. The beat, dudes and dudettes, the beat is amazing. The riffs are perfectly mean and lean, the bass is insane, and the vocals, killer. Doll Skin are Sydney Dolezal – Vocals | Alex Snowden – Guitars | Nicole Rich – Bass | Meghan Herring – Drums. This combo is the shit, no doubt. I’ve been in a punk/speed band, and I could never have kept up with Doll Skin. I love the way they mess with punk culture and dress, with a HUGE middle finger to the establishment. They have that same attitude of the Runaways, and that’s great. Thanks, Doll Skin, I needed you. I was bored. No more.