The Summer Of ’19: Paul Den Heyer – “Technicolor Summer Sunshine”

Paul Den Heyer
“Technicolor Summer Sunshine”
Everything So Far
Just in time for summer, Paul Den Heyer has released the most summery album ever, filled with sunshine, fresh cut grass, wild flowers, wild animals, pastoral at its best. There are times when one can hear the best of ’67, the summer of love. This is Syd Barrett’s Pink Floyd, Flying Burrito Brothers, Richard Thompson, music cheerful on the surface, but with the depth of sadness the class of ’67 never expected. As per Den Heyer’s bio:
“Everything So Far is a personal collection of songs triggered by a sequence of recent family and friend bereavements and a health scare of my own 5 years ago. Such things (as the members of Spinal Tap in their movie state) give a person ‘too much fucking perspective’ and often put them into an introspective state of mind. This was certainly the case with me and was enough to make me write my first new songs in almost 20 years,” says Paul Den Heyer.
All I know is the Den Heyer has released a series of truly beautiful and intimate songs that brings to mind the happiness of the summer without letting one forget about the winter that can follow.